Correction of vulvar lips (labiaplasty)

Labiaplasty is the correction of the shape and size of the outer and inner labia. The purpose of plastics is to improve their outer look and eliminate defects. Deformation of this area occurs as a result of age-related changes, injuries, childbirth. The issue is mostly of an aesthetic nature, medical recommendations for surgery are usually not needed. 


Female external genitals (or vulva) consist of: external lips (they are called "large"), internal lips ("small"), clitoris and urethra. Women of various races have some differences in size, color and shape of these organs.

There are a number of reasons that cause changes in these characteristics:

  • age-related changes;

  • injuries of the genitals of a different nature;

  • stretching and tearing;

  • hormonal imbalance;

  •  childbirth as a cause of organ deformation;

  • diets and frequent weight changes;

  • inflammations.

The unaesthetic outer look of the vulva is the main reason why the patients apply to the clinic.


Aesthetic problems with the external genitals are divided into several types:

  • hypertrophy –size increase of the inner lips (3-5 cm larger than the outer lips);

  • elongation – stretching, exceeding 5 cm;

  •  asymmetry – different sizes of the right and left lobe;

  • protrusion - when the inner lips protrude beyond the outer.

Most often, labiaplasty becomes a way-out for the  patients, who are embarrassed by the deformation of the external genitals, which leads to difficulties in their sexual life. In some cases the reason for the lack of sexual satisfaction is the imbalance of the labia, which causes pain during going into active sports, long sitting, cycling, wearing certain types of underwear. Most women complain about the lack of sexual satisfaction, the cause of which is low self-esteem and the presence of complexes about the wrong shape or size of the labia. After the correction the woman feels more confident and beautiful, gets rid of psychological stress and inferiority complex.

Labiaplasty is recommended  in the following cases:

  • when you need to correct the shape and size of the inner labia;

  • in case of severe stretching of the labia caused by hormonal or age-related changes;

  • congenital anomalies;

  •  when there are ruptures on the external genitals caused by injuries, childbirth or burns.

Labiaplasty is recommended with the purpose of intimate rejuvenation (depends on the personal wish of the patient) or enhancing sexual sensations.


In the " Oxford medical " clinic in Kiev elimination of defects of the labia is carried out through contour plastic or surgery.

  1. Contour plastic is based on the usage of natural fillers, which are injected into the corrected area. The components used are present in the skin of every person, but with the age their quantity decreases, and the skin becomes flabby and dry. Fillers make up  for the lack of these substances, correct asymmetry. The effectiveness of the procedure can compete with plastic surgery. Contour plastic is performed on an outpatient basis, does not require anesthesia and hospitalization. Before the procedure the patient is examined by a gynecologist and undergoes certain tests. The doctor injects the right amount of the filler into the appropriate area under local anesthesia. The technique used is targeted at the increasing of the size of the lips and correction of asymmetry.

  2. Surgery. This method of correction requires local or general anesthesia. The size and shape of the lips are changed by means of edge or wedge resection. The second method allows saving of the natural folding of the lips. The procedure takes about 1 hour. It is used when the reduction of the size and correction of the contour of the labia is needed.


Can sensory deprivation occur?

Intimate plastic surgery is a matter of shape correction, it has nothing to do with sensitivity. In some cases the sensations during sexual intercourses, on the contrary, become brighter. This fact is directly related to the elimination of psychological discomfort.

What time is needed for rehabilitation?

If surgery was carried out, during the next 4-5 days, swelling, bleeding is possible. The patient is recommended to adhere to postoperative rules: avoid physical activity, prolonged sitting, for a time to abandon sexual life, do not take hot baths and do not visit swimming pools and saunas, wear corrective underwear. The healing process takes from 2 weeks to 1 month.

When can I have sex after plastic surgery? 

To proceed with sexual life is recommended only after complete healing and recovery after surgery. Otherwise, the effect of the procedure will be significantly reduced.

When labiaplasty is not recommended? 

Contraindications to intimate plastic surgery are: age, under 18 years; sexually transmitted diseases; inflammatory processes and infections; cancer; mental disorders; thrush; blood clotting disorders; autoimmune diseases; allergies to drugs used; exacerbation of the herpes virus in the acute stage; unrealistic wishes of the patient. It is possible to carry out the correction procedure only after the elimination of the reasons why labioplasty has to be postponed.

( Rank: 5.00, voices: 1 )


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