Treatment of cervical erosion

The pathologic changes in uterine cervix (erosion) is perhaps one of the most widespread gynecological diseases. It is a change of mucosal integrity in the area of external orifice of the uterus. 10-15% of women, seeking medical attention, are diagnosed with “erosion”. The disease rarely causes discomfort and frequently progresses unnoticed, and this is its danger – if not properly treated, the benign process may lead to precancerous condition.


The uterine cervix disease mainly occurs among women of reproductive age. The true and false erosions are distinguished. The true erosion is a very rare disease. It usually occurs as a result of formed lacerations, complicated labor, abortive interventions and other gynecological intrauterine surgical operations and usually disappears for 10-14 days.

Other phenomenon was usually called as the cervical erosion.  It was previously referred to a displacement of cylindrical epithelium from cervical canal towards the exocervix, covered with stratifiedsquamous epithelium.The acidic environment and microorganisms of the vagina impact cells of the cylindrical epithelium, which does not have protective properties that results in the inflammation. In medicine, this process is called an ectopy or false erosion, while the term ‘erosion’ is used commonly.

The cervical erosion may be caused by:

  • mechanical injuries;
  • weakened immune system;
  • impact of infectious diseases.

The age and hormonal background of the patient, the condition of cervical and vaginal flora as well as nature and degree of manifestation of epithelium changes should be taken into account for choosing the optimal method of treatment of cervical changes.


In order to have a full picture of the condition of uterine cervix, several types of examinations are applied:

  • extended colpocervicoscopy;
  • cytomorphological analysis of epithelial cells of uterine cervix and cervical canal;
  • biopsy of uterine cervix and examination of the material for presence of cancerous cells (histology).

Several methods of erosion treatment are used in the Gynecology Department of our clinic:

  • electrosurgical methods;
  • CO2 and diode laser treatment;
  • radio-wave treatment of uterine cervix;
  • cryotherapy;

Each of the methods has its pros and cons. After the consultation and full clinical laboratory examination, the gynecologist determines indications to any of the methods for a concrete patient.


The gynecologists of our clinic will choose an optimal method of erosion treatment, which is adequate for each concrete patient’s case. The treatment with application of modern materials and methods will start after drawing up an individual plan. All the women, undergoing treatment of cervical erosion, will definitely receive a maximally effective treatment, psychological comfort and permanent information support from our specialists.  

Call Oxford Medical Kyiv to find out the tentative price of treatment and make appointment for consultation.

Oxford Medical is on guard of the women’s health. 

( Rank: 4.57, voices: 23 )


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