Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination

Human papillomavirus vaccination

The human papillomavirus is one of the most frequent infections, from which people suffer. Currently, nobody doubts that HPV is the main cause for cervical cancer.


About 80% women become infected with this or that type of HPV until they turn 50. Half of them are high-risk oncogenic types of viruses, causing the development of cervical cancer.

Currently, more than 600 strains of papillomavirus were studied, most of which do not manifest symptoms, 40 cause occurrence of condylomas, warts and papillomas. Some of them actively influence development of the cancer. Two types of the virus (16 and 18) are the most actual in the process of development of precancerous conditions and cervical cancer.

Taking into account HPV incidence and hazard, the scientists started searching for the method of protecting from this virus. The vaccination of human papillomavirus became the most reliable method.


HPV vaccination is the most effective method of prevention of cervical dysplasia and cancer. Currently, the vaccines, mainly targeted at 16 and 18 types of the virus, are developed, though they give cross-protective immunity on several other types.

Main groups, which are subject to vaccination:

  • girls before the beginning of sex life;
  • women, living a sex life, but not infected with the virus.

The vaccination is performed under generally accepted principles. The women, living a sex life before the vaccination, need to visit consultation and undergo examination by the gynecologist. The injection is administered intramuscularly, into the shoulder, three times (0-1-6 month). 

The immunity is maintained within 8 years. The temporary discomfort and redness in the site of injection is the most frequent side effect.

The vaccine ensures development of the immunity, creating protective antibodies before infecting with the virus. However, the vaccine will not protect, if the woman is already infected with HPV; it is important to do vaccination before the beginning of sex life, increasing the risk of infection.

( Rank: 4.79, voices: 34 )


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st. Predslavinskaya 29;

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2002 – Ukraine Medicine Stomatological Academy, faculty of medicine, specialty – general medicine, Poltava.

From 2002 - 2004 – internship on specialty “Obstetrics & Gynaecology”, academic department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology N1 Kiev Medicine Academy of Postgraduate Education named after Shulik, Chernigov Maternity Hospital.

2004 – course of information and probation on oncology, Chernigov.

2007 - “Colposcopy. Ultrasound echoscopy in Obstetrics & Gynaecology” KMAPE named after Shulik.

2008 – Evaluation training on Obstetrics & Gynaecology KMAPE named after Shulik.

2009 – awarded with II qualification category on specialty “Obstetrics & Gynaecology”.

2012 – gynecologist in «Oxford Medical» clinic.

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