Laser cosmetology is a complex of hardware procedures that involves exposure of the skin to light energy. It has a healing and rejuvenating effect, and also allows you to get rid of a number of cosmetic imperfections.


New expert-class equipment has been installed at «Oxford Medical» clinic, which provides carrying out a full range of laser procedures.

The most demanded are:

  • Face laser rejuvenation, or non-surgical lifting;
  • Age spots, scars and stretch marks removal;
  • Face laser resurfacing (peeling);
  • Acne and post-acne treatment;
  • Rosacea and vascular network removal;
  • Laser hair removal.


Indications for laser procedures are:

  • skin fading;
  • fine and deep wrinkles;
  • sagging skin;
  • ptosis;
  • facial alteration;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • increased greasiness or dryness of the skin;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • rosacea or vascular network;
  • stretch marks, scars, scars;
  • uneven relief and skin tone;
  • unwanted hair growth on the face and body.

The laser helps to affect different layers of the skin, changing the frequency of radiation and other technical parameters. With its help, you can easily remove rosacea, reduce the severity of pigmentation, get rid of unwanted hair, etc. In addition, light energy makes it possible to rejuvenate and tighten the skin. By acting on its cells, the laser improves local blood circulation and promotes the active production of substances responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. In particular, this is how non-surgical lifting works, the course of procedures of which provides a facelift.


Preparation for different procedures may vary slightly, but the following rules are common to all:

  • you can not sunbathe for 2 weeks;
  • you can not take a hot bath, visit a sauna or a steam bath for 3 days;
  • do not use scrubs, peels and alcohol-containing cosmetics for 3 days.

Antibiotics and some other drugs are also contraindicated for two weeks before the session. Therefore, in case of chronic diseases or long-term drug therapy, consult the cosmetologist and your attending physician about the procedure to be performed.


During the preliminary consultation, the cosmetologist assesses the patient’s skin condition and selects a procedure that will help to get the desired result.

The session begins with makeup removing and/or cleansing the skin with an antiseptic agent. After that, a special gel is applied to it, which promotes the penetration of laser beams into the deep layers of the dermis. Next, the cosmetologist consistently treats a certain area of the skin with the device, and after completion removes the remnants of the gel, re-disinfects the skin and applies a moisturizer to it.


Laser cosmetology has many advantages and every year the scope of its application is expanding. Hardware procedures provide a pronounced effect, while not injuring the skin and being practically painless.

They help to save the youth of the skin, improve its health and clean it from rashes, age spots and other defects.

The main advantages of laser procedures are:

  • high efficiency;
  • long save result;
  • security;
  • non-invasiveness;
  • easy preparation;
  • a short rehabilitation period.


The medical center «Oxford Medical» is equipped with expert-class cosmetic equipment.

In the department of laser cosmetology, the following devices are used:

  • Candela GentleMax Pro is an innovative device that combines alexandrite and diode lasers, the integrated use of which multiplies the efficiency of all procedures;
  • E-Max (Elos) by Israeli company Syneron is a multifunctional device that combines laser and radio wave energy, which helps to perform a wide range of procedures using different caps;
  • Matrix RF by Israeli company Syneron – is used for fractional high-frequency radio-wave skin lift, scar removal and pigmentation, smoothing small wrinkles.


Thanks to the equipping of the clinic with new expensive technologies and the involvement of highly qualified staff, our patients receive care that meets the highest quality standards.

Advantages of laser procedures at «Oxford Medical»:

  • powerful and multifunctional expert-class equipment;
  • cosmetologists with higher medical education and many years of experience;
  • high efficiency and safety of all procedures;
  • free preliminary consultation of a cosmetologist;
  • flexible loyalty program for regular customers.

To make an appointment for a consultation with a cosmetologist, call the clinic's contact center or write to the chat on the website.

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