Laser gynecology

Laser gynecology in Kyiv

A simple, quick and safe treatment of gynecological diseases, using a laser, is now possible in the Gynecology Department of Oxford Medical clinic.


The laser application allows carrying out interventions quickly and precisely, maximally reducing the period of further rehabilitation of the patient. The procedure does not leave scars, impeding the cervical dilatation, because the laser gynecology is indicated even to women, who previously did not give birth to a child, but plan to do it in future.

The alternative methods of treatment have some shortcomings:

  • cryotherapy (with application of liquid nitrogen) – a superficial method, which does not always guarantee full recuperation;
  • electrocoagulation leaves scars.

Only the radio-wave treatment, using Surgitron, which does not leave scars either, is comparable to a laser effect. However, in some cases, the laser impact ensures deeper penetration into affected layers. That is why the doctor can finally decide whether to apply laser or Surgitron only after the thorough examination of the patient.


In Oxford Medical clinic, the laser technologies are applied for treatment of:

  • erosion;
  • ectopy;
  • cervical ectropion;
  • cervical papillomatosis;
  • leukoplakia;
  • polyps;
  • dysplasia;
  • condylomas and papillomas of the urogenital area;
  • benign neoplasms of the vulva and vagina.

The application of laser treatment has the least number of contraindications in comparison to classic operations. The treatment is undesirable only in case of diabetes mellitus, inflammatory processes in their active phase, complicated dysplasias, infections and mental illnesses.


The laser treatment in the Gynecology Department of Oxford Medical clinic is preceded by the visit to a doctor and examination: examination in the chair, extended colposcopy, cell smear test, discharge test and analyses for infections. If the examination proves need for laser treatment, and there are no contraindications - the specialist orders the procedure.

The laser treatment does not require any narcosis and is performed under local anesthesia. The duration of procedure does not exceed 10-15 minutes, during which the tissues are treated with laser. After that, the organism rejects pathologic cells and launches the process of regeneration of new cells – without pathologic changes. During the first 24 hours after laser treatment, you may have a general feeling of faintness and slight nagging pain below your waist.

During this process, you may have discharges streaked with blood or black inclusions – it is a process of cleansing the mucous membrane, which normally lasts for five-seven days. After treatment, you will need to refrain from sexual contacts (2-4 weeks), to avoid dipping into the water and visiting saunas, baths and massage rooms (for 1 month). You will also have to keep from intensive physical activities.

In 1.5-2 months, you will have to necessarily visit a doctor for monitoring effectiveness of the performed treatment.

You can make appointment in the Gynecology Department of Oxford Medical clinic by calling us or filling in the form on our website. 

( Rank: 4.87, voices: 31 )


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