Treatment of adnexitis

Adnexitis is an inflammatory process in the ovaries and fallopian tubes (uterine appendage) - an important part of the reproductive system of the female body. Adnexitis, also called salpingooforitom, is able to provoke scarring of the tissues of the appendages, and in neglected cases, they have to be removed at all (adnexectomy). Patients with adnexitis are at risk of infertility.


The disease is caused by an infection brought into the fallopian tubes or ovaries. The role of an infectious agent may play a variety of bacteria: staphylococcus, streptococcus, gonococcus, tubercle bacillus, intestinal colic, chlamydia and so on. The process of penetration and development of infection is induced by many factors, the most important of which are: 

  • disregard of hygiene standards;

  • hypothermia;

  • stress;

  • other gynecological diseases (endometriosis, infections);

  •  artificial termination of pregnancy;

  • weakened immune system;

  • chronic fatigue.

Due to these factors the infection penetrates by the ascending path or with blood flow i the fallopian tubes (the path of infection depends on the specific pathogen) and violates the integrity of the epithelium and then infects the ovary. The affected appendages "merge" into one inflamed formation.


Manifestations of the disease depend on its location (adnexitis can be right -, left -, or bilateral) and form (acute or chronic).

Acute adnexitis is characterized by rapid, sometimes drastic development of the following symptoms:

  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region;

  • fever (high temperature, chills, weakness);

  • vaginal discharge in the form of mucus or suppuration. 

If a woman with acute adnexitis does not apply to a gynecologist for treatment, suppuration of the affected appendages or the transition of the disease into a chronic form may occur. This stage of the disease is characterized by the change of periods of exacerbation of the disease with remission during which the symptoms disappear.

The symptoms in the period of exacerbation are weaker: the pain is not as intense, the temperature rises slightly. Chronic adnexitis is characterized by disorders of the menstrual cycle - painful or too intensive menstruation. Some patients complain of painful sensations during intercourses and, as a consequence, a decrease in sexual desire.


The way of treatment is determined by the gynecologist after examination of the patient. During the examination adnexitis can be recognized due to enlarged uterine appendages. The preliminary diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound, smears (to determine the possible pathogen). If necessary, a study of the patency of the fallopian tubes is carried out – echohisterosalpingography. 

Treatment of chronic adnexitis can take place on an outpatient basis, and for the treatment of acute form hospitalization is obligatory. Medical treatment may include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, if necessary, painkillers are prescribed. Medications can be prescribed in the form of pills, suppositories, injections or droppers.

If in acute adnexitis suppuration develops, then it is necessary urgently to perform an operation aimed at removing infected fluid and cleansing inflamed appendages. In complicated cases with severe suppuration an adnexectomy is performed - surgical removal of the appendages affected by the disease.

In the surgical hospital of the "Oxford Medical" clinic all necessary interventions for adnexitis are carried out. Patients can get consultation of qualified gynecologists in any department of the clinic located in Kiev. You can make an appointment by phone or using the chat on the website.

( Rank: 3.67, voices: 3 )


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