
The diseases of blood vessels and blood circulation system are among the most widespread on the planet. 40% of people encounter them sooner or later. These are most often the diseases of veins on the legs, among which varicose veins is the leader. The phlebology, a separate field of vascular surgery, deals with studying, treatment and prevention of vein diseases.


The most widespread vein diseases include:

  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebopathy;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • vascular spiders.

The mild symptoms at the early stage are a characteristic feature of all above-listed diseases, as the result of which the patients do not seek medical attention in time.

Symptoms of vein diseases at early stage:

  • pain in lower extremities;
  • swelling;
  • periodic cramps in legs;
  • appearance of varices;
  • small areas of varicose veins.

If these symptoms appear, urgently visit a phlebologist, who will prescribe timely outpatient treatment. If you ignore symptoms, the chronic venous insufficiency will develop. Its treatment requires hospitalization and surgical operation. The symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency are:

  • dark-blue or crimson outstanding veins;
  • brown pigmentation of the skin in the area of shins and ankles;
  • leg ulcers.

The main causes for vein diseases are the overweight, heredity, age, constant wearing of high-heeled shoes, hypodynamia, sedentary lifestyle, genetic predisposition. 


The treatment of vein diseases has existed and developed for long time towards reducing its invasiveness, so the patient does not need change his lifestyle and undergo a long-term post-surgery period. 

Nowadays, the most popular method of treatment of diseases is the endovenous laser coagulation – the painless and safe procedure, which allows achieving an excellent curative and cosmetological effect. The laser treatment of veins does not leave hematomas and swellings, does not injure tissues and nerve fibers, does not have allergic reactions.

Only the best phlebologists, who will be able to quickly diagnose and solve your problem, work in Oxford Medical clinic.  As per the results of initial consultation, which includes detailed conversation with the doctor, examination and establishing a primary diagnosis, you will be ordered to undergo additional medical test (if necessary) and treatment, taking into account all the features of your organism.

The phlebologists of Oxford Medical clinic guarantee that vein diseases will be cured provided that all doctor’s recommendations are observed.  

( Rank: 4.81, voices: 32 )


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