
Adhesive obliteration is a gentle and highly effective method of treating varicose veins using biological glue. It provides the possibility to glue the affected area of the vein without surgery or thermal exposure.

The bioadhesive is introduced into the vein via a special catheter. The glue instantly closes it, and the blood flow is redirected through the healthy vessels. No anesthesia or incisions are used during the procedure.

The effectiveness and safety of adhesive obliteration has been confirmed by numerous studies. The technique has been used for more than 5 years in leading clinics in the USA, Canada, Australia and European countries. In Ukraine, the treatment of varicose veins with bio glue is also in demand, and «Oxford Medical» clinic constitutes no exception.

who can undergo bioglue treatment of varicose

Adhesive obliteration is used for treating varicose disease with signs of disfunction of subcutaneous veins. It is effective in both the early and late stages of varicose.

Due to the high safety of the procedure, it is used even in elderly patients and people with chronic diseases for whom anesthesia is contraindicated.


The introduction of bio-glue into varicose veins is carried out on an outpatient basis. At a preliminary consultation, when the doctor assesses the patient's condition and indications for the bioglue treatment of varicose veins, an ultrasound of the veins (doppler ultrasonography) is performed. No other preparation is required on the part of the patient.

The ultrasound makes it possible to assess the condition of the venous walls and valves, determine their diameter and the direction of the blood flow. On the basis of the diagnostic results, the physician will determine which section of the vein should be filled with glue and in which place it is better to inject it.


Adhesive vein obliteration is a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure that is performed in a day hospital. It lasts less than 40-60 minutes and does not require hospitalization. The patient leaves the clinic after the operation and returns to everyday life.

According to diagnostic results, the specialist determines the location of the varicose vein. Then he makes a small puncture on the skin after performing a local anesthesia. He injects a catheter with bioglue into the vein through the hole he obtains. The vessel is gradually filled with the biological adhesive and glued together. The procedure is continuously monitored by an ultrasound.

As a result of adhesive obliteration, the walls of the vein instantly stick together, and the blood flow through it stops. Thus, the patient immediately receives not only a therapeutic, but also an aesthetic effect.


The main advantages of adhesive obliteration are:

  • high efficiency and instant results;
  • minimally invasive procedure;
  • safety - bio-glue does not cause allergies or other complications, and over time it completely dissolves, like a glued vein;
  • painlessness - no anesthesia or complex anesthesia is needed, only the puncture site is anesthetized;
  • aesthetics of the result - there are no stitches, scars or other damage to the skin;
  • no rehabilitation period - no need to wear compression stockings or adhere to certain restrictions;
  • the possibility of performing the procedure to the patients with contraindications to anesthesia.


Due to its high safety, the procedure is suitable for almost all patients, including the elderly and with chronic diseases. Adhesive obliteration is not recommended only during exacerbations and acute diseases, as well as shortly after a stroke, heart attack and thrombophlebic conditions.


At «Oxford Medical», the procedure is performed by an experienced specialist who has received special training. A separate advantage is the use of only a high-quality certified biological adhesive (bio glue).

In addition, at «Oxford Medical» you can undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of veins and get advice from a highly qualified phlebologist or angiosurgeon. The doctor will diagnose and choose the best treatment option.

To make an appointment for a consultation, call the «Oxford Medical» contact center or write to the chat on the website.

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