Surgical treatment of pancreatitis

In Oxford Medical the surgical treatment of pancreatitis is performed in a high-tech surgical in-patient department with two operational units, that allow to carry out the surgery of high complexity level. The choice of method (endoscopy, laparoscopy, or open access surgery) depends on the type of pancreatitis, existence of complications and comorbidities. 

The operations are performed by top-category surgeons with more than 20-30 years of expertise. The clinic has all the necessary conditions for effective treatment and risk minimization, including intensive care wards with medical ventilators and other equipment to control and maintain the vital body functions.

After the surgery, patients stay at a single or double hotel-type room, where they are under permanent observation of the medical staff.


Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of pancreas, that may lead to necrotic damage to the cells of the organ, functional disorders, and other complications.

The pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which is necessary to maintain blood sugar level, as well as enzymes for the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. They are excreted into the duodenum through the pancreatic ducts. In case of the ducts’ impaired patency, the enzymatic juice stagnates in the organ and provokes the destruction of parenchyma cells, followed by the formation of connective tissue.

Also, the necrosis may be caused by bile entering the pancreas, which activates the action of enzymes before their excretion into the intestine.

With the development of the disease, patients experience acute pain in the left side with irradiation to the hypochondrium and back, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

With proper treatment, which includes medication and a strict diet, acute pancreatitis usually goes away within a few weeks. But if there are additional risk factors, it may cause complications or become chronic. In these cases, surgical treatment is often required.


In most cases, conservative treatment of pancreatitis is first prescribed. Surgery is used for acute and chronic pancreatitis with complications.

Indications for operation:

  • pancreatic abscess;

  • fistula (abnormal connection between pancreas and abdomen or another organ);

  • organ tissue necrosis;

  • peritonitis (peritoneal inflammation);

  • pseudocysts (fluid accumulation around the pancreas);

  • neoplasms;

  • cysts bigger than 6 cm in diameter;

  • virsungolithiasis (the presence of stones in the main pancreatic duct);

  • mechanical (obstructive) jaundice and cholangitis, caused by common bile duct compression;

  • compression and impaired patency of the duodenum;

  • portal hypertension (elevated blood pressure in the portal vein);

  • severe pain syndrome;

  • lack of response to conservative therapy.

Before the operation, the patient undergoes a comprehensive diagnostic, which may include laboratory blood and urine tests, abdominal ultrasound, X-ray, computed tomography, and endoscopic studies.


The decision on the advisability of surgery is made jointly by gastroenterologists and surgeons, considering the results of the examinations and the medical history.

The development of complications that require surgical treatment may be indicated by following:

  • acute pain that does not improve after taking pain medication;

  • constant pain syndrome that accompanies chronic pancreatitis;

  • worsening of the general well-being after 7-14 days from the onset of the disease;

  • long-term rise in body temperature up to 37,5-38,5о С;

  • digestive disturbances and significant weight loss.

If you have these symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

Also, among signs that indicate possible pancreatitis complications are changes in the leukocyte blood count detected by tests, hyperglycemia, increased daily nitrogen loss in the urine, as well as gas-containing cavities or fluid build-up diagnosed with the help of medical equipment.


Depending on the indications, the patient may undergo one of the following operations:

  • abscess opening and necrotic tissue removal;

  • drainage of an organ cyst to remove liquid exudate;

  • removal of stones from the pancreatic ducts;

  • pancreatic duct stenting;

  • creation of the anastomosis (artificial duct between pancreas and duodenum);

  • pancreatic resection (removal of the damaged part of the organ);

  • pancreatectomy (pancreas removal);

  • dissection of the major duodenal papilla at the narrowing of the sphincter of Oddi.

In each case, the surgeons of Oxford Medical use an individual approach and perform operations that eliminate the pathology and preserve the maximum of healthy tissues of the pancreas and adjacent organs.

Whenever possible, the operations are performed using a minimally invasive endoscopic or laparoscopic method, due to which the rehabilitation period is faster and easier.

At the same time, the clinic has all the conditions for performing open operations (laparotomy), which are required for peritonitis and other severe complications.


Oxford Medical is a modern medical center with a high-tech surgical in-patient department. The clinic has all conditions for accurate diagnostic and effective treatment of pancreatitis. We employ some of the best surgeons in Kyiv and Ukraine with many years of expertise, who master both classical and innovative surgical techniques and regularly perform high complexity operations. 

Advantages of surgical treatment of pancreatitis in Oxford Medical:

  • expert class diagnostic and surgical equipment;

  • top-category surgeons with years of expertise;

  • intensive care unit equipped with devices that maintain vital body functions;

  • comfortable single and double rooms;

  • loyalty program for regular clients.

To make an appointment with a doctor, call our contact center or leave a request on the website.

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Deputy Medical Director for Surgery: Lifshits Yuri Zinovievich
Lifshits Yuri Zinovievich Deputy Medical Director for Surgery
Deputy Medical Director for Surgery: Lifshits Yuri Zinovievich
Lifshits Yuri ZinovievichDeputy Medical Director for Surgery

Bereznyakovskaya street, 30B;

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Head of the medical center at Bereznyakovskaya 30B<br>Surgeon: Zhulay Vladimir Viktorovich
Zhulay Vladimir Viktorovich Head of the medical center at Bereznyakovskaya 30B
Head of the medical center at Bereznyakovskaya 30B<br>Surgeon: Zhulay Vladimir Viktorovich
Zhulay Vladimir ViktorovichHead of the medical center at Bereznyakovskaya 30B

Bereznyakovskaya street, 30B;

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Bereznyakovskaya street, 30B;

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