
Oncourologists deal with the diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms of the urinary tract in women and men, as well as of male genital organs. The treatment in the "Oxford Medical" clinic is carried out on the basis of the surgical hospital, located on the address Bereznyakovskaya street, 30B. 

The clinic is equipped with a new operating unit including two operating rooms supplied with exclusively modern equipment. In the process of diagnosis, a computer tomograph and a digital x-ray produced by Siemens (Germany) are used. Postoperative recovery takes place in comfortable and favorable conditions of the hospital, divided into single and double wards. 


The largest number of patients addresses to the Department of Oncourology for the diagnosis and treatment of such diseases:

  • prostate cancer (prostate);

  • kidney cancer;

  • bladder cancer;

  • cancer of the testicle.

Less common are tumors of the penis and seminal vesicles. 

Prostate cancer, diagnosed mainly in men over the age of 55, develops slowly and in the initial stages without prominent symptoms. Therefore, the main guarantee of successful treatment is early diagnosis of the disease – for this purpose, men older than 45 years old must undergo annual examinations by the urologist. 

Kidney cancer occurs in both sexes, although it affects men 2 times more often than women. Usually the disease is detected at the age of 65-70 years old. Overweight and smoking contribute to the development of kidney cancer. A separate risk group includes the patients on long-term dialysis, which contributes to the formation of cysts in the kidneys and the development of cancer.

Bladder cancer is also more common in men than in women - predominantly aged 40-60 years. Bladder cancer can be non-invasive or invasive when the tumor grows through the walls of the bladder and spreads to neighboring organs. Although the prognosis for non-invasive cancer is more favorable, its transition to an invasive form is very likely.

Testicular cancer is more common in younger men - from 20 to 40 years old, its development is facilitated by cryptorchidism – when one or two testicles do not descent into the scrotum.

Penile cancer is most often localized on the head or foreskin, it progresses slowly and responds well to treatment.


In the "Oxford Medical" clinic for the diagnosis of cancer of the male genitals is possible to conduct a set of studies.

If prostate cancer is suspected, prostate ultrasound (rectal), prostate biopsy, laboratory blood tests for cancer markers are performed. In case of  testicular cancer ultrasound and CT is carried out (it is possible to use studies with contrast). In penile cancer, a biopsy is sufficient for diagnosis.

In kidney cancer, ultrasound, radiography, CT, laboratory blood and urine tests are carried out. Biopsy is contraindicated due to the possibility of tumor activation. In case of bladder cancer ultrasound of the bladder, cystoscopy and biopsy, CT of the abdominal cavity is carried out. 

In all cases the patient may be assigned CT of the organs which at first glance are not associated with the affected area (chest cavity, abdominal cavity) – it is necessary to exclude metastasis of tumors.


Surgeons of the Department of oncourology specialize in organ-preserving operations with the maximum usage of laparoscopic and endoscopic methods. In addition to surgery the scheme of treatment can include chemotherapy courses.

You can get more information by contacting our call-centre by phone or via chat on our website.

( Rank: 5.00, voices: 1 )


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