

The phototherapy (or light therapy) consists in using the ultraviolet radiation of the certain spectrum for treatment of skin diseases.


  • psoriasis;
  • acne;
  • vitiligo;
  • atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis, chronic eczema).


  • noninvasiveness;
  • reduced medication load;
  • excellent tolerability;
  • impact on the whole skin surface.

Thanks to them, the phototherapy became one of the leading types of treatment. The phototherapy is widely used in the dermatology and has become a significant addition to medication methods of treatment.

The phototherapy is ordered after examination by the dermatologist, who prescribes the treatment course, keeps track of its effectiveness, and, if necessary, corrects.


The curative effect of the light was observed in ancient times, when it was noticed that the condition of people with skin diseases improves in summer and worsens in winter. The curative effect of phototherapy is explained by the fact that ultraviolet radiation stimulates metabolic processes in cells and tissues and has a local immunomodulatory effect.


The light energy contributes to quick skin restoration thanks to the activation of collagen production. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and general strengthening effect, and inhibits cell division of the stratum corneum (the horny layer of epidermis).


However, the sun light is not the ideal method of treatment, because its spectrum depends on many factors (season, climate, time of day etc.) and is also composed of not only useful radiation. That is why the use of sunrays for treatment of patients is not practiced in modern medicine.  The special artificial light sources are used for it in the phototherapy.

You can make appointment with the dermatologist by calling us or using the application form on our website. 

( Rank: 4.54, voices: 35 )


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