Treatment of facial eczema

An eczema is the skin disease, which is manifested by rash, itching and burning of affected skin areas. The eczema is not infectious; that is why you should not worry that you can become infected when contacting with the ill person or transmit it to your friends.


Many factors, from the genetic predisposition to skin injuries, may contribute to appearance of the eczema. The causes for development of the disease most often are:

  • allergic reaction;
  • digestive diseases;
  • regular skin contacts with toxic substances;
  • weakening of body defenses;
  • fungous diseases;
  • metabolic disorders (endocrine diseases);
  • diseases of the nervous system.

It is very rare that just one of the above-listed reasons causes the eczema; most often its appearance is the result of interaction of several factors. The disease form depends on their combination.


The appearance of symptoms on the face is characteristic to true (idiopathic) and, in some cases, seborrheic form of the eczema.


The eczema most often affects eyebrows, nose, eyelids and lips. The lesions, caused by the eczema, usually appear symmetrically; i.e. if the rash appeared on the right side of face, it will appear on the left one in some time.


The classic symptoms of eczema are the appearance of swellings and rashes on the face in form of red spots and vesicles, which rupture in some time and form erosions (wounds). Depending on the form of disease, the itching and burning may appear. As the disease progresses, the tubercles merge, forming plaques, covered with dry crust.


Sometimes, the eczema can affect the area of mouth and eyes. If the eczema affects lips, they become covered with crust and bleed.

If the eczema is not treated, the disease develops into its chronic form: the skin gradually thickens and gets a grey-brown tinge. The pain feelings may become so pronounced that they keep patients awake the whole night.


The self-treatment of eczema can lead to complications: appearance of purulent inflammations, development of bacterial infections, lesions on the whole body, including the hairy part of the head.


The examination starts with the dermatologist’s  checkup of patient’s condition and studying medical history: previous diseases, lifestyle, nature of work and main habits. Judging from this information, the doctor establishes preliminary diagnosis, determines possible causes of the disease and orders additional examinations.


If the allergy plays the key role in development of the disease, the allergen skin tests for detecting the allergen are ordered, if the fungus -  skin scraping for fungal infections. If the supposed cause of eczema is the diseases of nervous, digestive and endocrine systems, the consultations with the respective specialist are ordered: neurologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist.


The treatment of eczema is administered in two main directions: suppressing symptoms and eliminating the major cause of disease. The treatment course in each concrete case is selected individually and includes external remedies (ointments, creams and lotions) as well as the drugs for oral administration. Only such treatment, aimed at eliminating the first causes of problem, will help getting rid of eczema.


The self-treatment of eczema without understanding the causes of disease never happens to be successful, producing only a short-term effect, which is followed by the exacerbation of treatment and appearance of complications.


Get rid of eczema – make appointment with the dermatologists of Oxford Medical clinic by calling us or filling in the application form on our website!

( Rank: 5.00, voices: 40 )


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