Psoriasis treatment

The psoriasis is a very widespread dermatological disease.  It manifests itself through the itching, appearance of inflammatory eruptions and exfoliation. Approximately 4% of the population of the whole globe suffer from psoriasis. The specialists claim that the earlier the signs of psoriasis start manifesting, the severer the disease is progressing. The cause for appearance of the psoriasis is the hyperactive growth of skin cells that causes formation of skin hardening. The psoriasis may have chronic and relapsing form. Despite the widespread misbelief, the psoriasis is not infectious. If you were diagnosed with psoriasis, and you have undergone many treatment courses, but the result is null, do not worry about it! The experienced doctors very often disprove the established diagnosis and find a true cause for the disorder in other systems of the organism, based on clinical tests. 


This disease is very often caused by:

  • Stresses, fatigue, exhaustion of the nervous system;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • different endocrine disorders;
  • infectious diseases, bacterial, fungal, parasitic dermatitis;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • traumas and injuries;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • bad habits.


The psoriasis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • skin eruption in the form of round red or pink knots, forming plaques, covered with silvery scales;
  • itching in the area of hair, knees and elbows;
  • pain in the right side and waist;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • rapid fatigability, muscular weakness.


The diagnosis of the disease is performed for identifying the form and stage of psoriasis. The normal form of psoriasis is manifested by formation of flat reddish plaques, covered with white-silvery scales. In case of exudative psoriasis, greyish-yellow scales appear on psoriatic plaques. The development of the severest forms of psoriasis may occur during the beginning of disease or late stages due to unfavorable factors and as the result of irrational treatment.


All the forms of psoriasis is characterized by the lesion of nail plates: thickening, appearance of recesses on the nail surface and red spots under the nail. The dermatologist makes diagnosis, based on the results of performed examinations (laboratory and instrumental), such as blood tests, skin biopsy etc.


The methods of external therapy are determined according to the stage and form of the disease. When the psoriasis is at its progressing stage, the dermatologists recommend applying:

  • softening products and keratoplastic drugs in moderate concentrations;
  • ointments, creams and lotions, containing glucocorticoids;
  • drugs, containing the activated zinc pyrithionate.

When the disease is at its steady and regressing stage of the disease, the dermatologists recommend using:

  • ointments, containing the analogs of Vitamin D3;
  • ointments, containing the tar, naphthalan and hydroxyanthrones.

In case of lesion of more than 20% of skin surface, severe forms of psoriasis or inefficiency of external therapy, the doctors prescribe systemic treatment, which includes hyposensitization, reocorrection and detoxication therapy.

The medication therapy includes:

  • cytostatic drugs, which have a pronounced effect;
  • synthetic retinoids;
  • glucocorticoids (in case of inefficiency of other drugs).

The non-medication treatment consists in photochemotherapy – ultraviolet radiation with wavelength of 320-400 nm plus taking photosensitizers.


When treating the psoriasis, the Dermatology Department of our clinic provides:

  • comprehensive examination for precise detection of the cause of disease.
  • selection of optimal individual treatment, taking into account the indications of patient’s body and clinical characteristics of the disease.
  • cleansing the organism from decay products;
  • treatment of infections.
  • full recovery of skin structure. 
( Rank: 4.64, voices: 22 )


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Олексій 03-04-2024 Надзвичайно вдячний лікарю-дерматологу Салашаку Є.О. за професійний підхід, завжди зрозумілі й докладні пояснення, відповіді на всі запитання, загальну прихильність і доброзичливість, а також чіткі вказівки щодо лікування в супроводі корисних порад на майбутнє. Дуже задоволений і буду звертатися до пана Євгена й надалі, дякую!

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department: Dermatology

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