Lichen planus treatment

A lichen planus is the separate disease, but the whole range of contagious fungal and viral diseases, which manifest themselves through red, pink and grey spots on the skin. Any lichen planus rapidly spreads over other body areas and is easily transmitted to the surrounding people.


The most diverse diseases, some of which (for example, psoriasis) are not contagious, may be called as the lichen planus. The most widespread are:

  • pityriasis rosea (Gibert’s disease);
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen planus ruber planus;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • shingles;
  • eczema;
  • ringworm etc.

The contagious types of the lichen planus, such as ringworm, may be transmitted from animals or other people. The infection is caused by:

  • poor personal hygiene;
  • wearing someone else’s clothes;
  • skin trauma;
  • low immunity;

The noncontagious diseases, also sometimes called as the lichen planus (eczema, psoriasis), may be caused by metabolic disorders, hereditary predisposition, stress, aggressive influence of the environment. The causes are called as the triggers of disease or its triggering factors.


If we speak about contagious forms of the disease, then the period between the infection and appearance of the first symptoms may be from several days to weeks. The noncontagious lichen planus do not appear until the organism is exposed to the impact of the trigger.


The symptoms of lichen planus are almost similar; that is why only the dermatologist can determine which namely lichen planus you have and whether it is contagious or not. The lichen planus manifests itself through:

  • oval eruptions in the form of follicles with fluid content;
  • red, whitish or grey spots;
  • itching of the affected skin area;
  • exfoliation;

In some cases, the symptoms are the high temperature and headache.

The eruptions most often appear on the skin of stomach, back, hands and legs. The lichen planus also appears on areas of scratching, excessive sweating or skin lesions. The sizes of spots may reach several centimeters; in advanced cases, they may merge and become very itchy. If the lichen planus affected skin in the hairy part of head, it might cause the hair loss.


Many people attempt to treat the lichen planus by themselves, blindly trying different ointments and medications. As the result, there are often the cases, when the people attempt to treat the shingles (caused by the virus), psoriasis or eczema with antifungal drugs.

Of course, such treatment does not help, but only causes harm.


How to identify what namely lichen planus you have? First of all, you should visit the qualified dermatologist for examination and testing. During the visit, the doctor will examine affected areas and, if necessary, order additional tests, for example, - fungal scraping test. If we speak about the psoriasis or eczema, then a comprehensive examination for searching for triggering factors of the disease and their elimination is required.


As per results of the examination and tests, the doctor establishes a precise diagnosis and only then prescribes treatment, which may include antifungal, antiviral, antihistamine and other drugs. The vitamin complexes, ozone therapy and other recovery procedures are ordered to accelerate the recovery process.


You can make appointment with the dermatologist by calling us or filling in the application form on our website. 

( Rank: 4.71, voices: 38 )


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