Kinesio Taping

Kinesio Taping is an effective method that makes possible the fixation of muscles, tendons and joints and reduce pain and the possibility of injury. Kinesio Tape helps to reduce pain, inflammatory processes, relax clamped and overstressed muscles, set more active natural process of muscle tissue recovery going.

The method has been used since the 70s years of the last century, without undergoing significant changes since then – an elastic cotton or synthetic tape is applied to the body. The tape is 5-10 cm wide and up to several tens of centimeters long. The tape is covered with a hypoallergenic adhesive layer, the base of which is acryl - its adhesive properties are activated by the heat of the human body. Due to this, the tape is securely fixed on the problem area. 

Kinesio Taping is available at the Oxford Medical clinic at the address Sribnokilskaya street 20.


Kinesio Taping can help patients suffering from pain in:

  • elbow joint;

  • shoulders;

  • knees; 

  • neck;

  • low back.

Kinesio Taping is also effective against swelling of the legs and hematomas.

In general, effective taping may be prescribed to the patients with the following diseases:

  • osteoarthrosis;

  • Bechterev's disease (ankylosing spondylarthritis);

  • piriformis syndrome;

  • the scapulohumeral periarthritis;

  • epicondylitis;

  • heel spurs;

  • tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome);

  • subluxation of the patella;

  • osteochondrosis.

According to indications, Kinesio Tape can be applied to:

  • spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar or lumbosacral);

  • joints (of the wrist, shoulder and elbow – to the knee and ankle);

  • hands and feet;

  • muscle tissue in the area of the shoulders, forearms, thighs and shins.


When the tape is properly fixed:

  • increases the volume and amplitude of movements that are performed more confidently;

  • the work of muscles is regulated, their endurance and resistance to long loads increases;

    • reduces muscle pain;
    • improves blood supply and lymph flow in the treated area;
      • reduces the swelling of tissues and stagnant processes diminish;
        • hematomas reduce.

          The effects of Kinesio Tape begin to appear from the moment of attachment and last up to 5 days, during which the tape is worn. Properly attached tap does not cause inconvenience and does not impose any restrictions in the question of hygiene – it can be safely moistened with water while taking a shower.


          Tape can be attached only on clean skin, not covered with rashes and not having a thick hairline. Patients with intensive growth of hair need to remove the hair before attaching the tape.

           If after application under the tape there is a burning or itching sensation -it must be immediately removed. Discomfort may occur as soon as immediately after the attachment, and some time later.

          Kinesio Taping is a short-term procedure, the maximum duration of continuous wearing of the tape is 5 days.

          Kinesio Taping is contraindicated in patients with:

          • allergy to acryl or individual intolerance to the components of the tape;

          • systemic and oncological diseases affecting the skin;

          • injuries of the skin (wounds, trophic ulcers) in the taping area;

          • sagging skin;

          • xeroderma;

          • diabetes;

          • deep vein thrombosis of the legs;

          • heart or kidney failure.

          Kinesio Taping is available at the Oxford Medical clinic at the address Sribnokilskaya street 20.

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