Headeche treatment

The headache is one of the most widespread complaints, with which the patients apply to the neuropathologist. This disorder is caused by many diseases (more than 40), which often progress latently. That is why it often happens that an absolutely healthy man suddenly starts suffering from headaches. Only the experienced neurologist, who has enough knowledge, is able to find out and then eliminate the true cause of the problem.


The pain feelings can be various: they can be manifested in different parts of the head, have the diverse nature, different intensity and duration. They are usually indicative of the presence of serious diseases. But if the pain has a continuing nature or is regularly repeated, you should urgently visit a doctor, because it is the pronounced symptom of systemic disorders in the organism.


5 main types of the headache can be distinguished:

  1. A migraine is the throbbing headache (most often in one side of the head), accompanied by the intolerance of bright light and loud noise. It is still unknown what causes migraines. It is just known that many factors can cause the migraine – from stress and change in the weather to loud noises or unusual food products.
  2. The headaches from nervous tension (constricting ache, sometimes compared by the patients with the sensation of helmet, putting pressure on the head) are often caused by the chronic stress; that is why the people, prone to depression, are particularly susceptible to them. Besides that, they are caused by overstrain of masticatory muscles or the muscles of the scalp.
  3. The injury of the cervical spine as the result of trauma or cervical osteochondrosis causes throbbing pain feelings in the back of the head, frequent dizziness, reduced visual and aural acuity.
  4. Craniocerebral injuries cause the pain feelings, which may last for several years without treatment. Besides the pains, the decrease in concentration, attention, giddiness, irritability, depression also appear.
  5. The decreased (hypotension) or increased (hypertension) arterial pressure. It is the hypertension, which is the main cause, inducing the constricting pain in the neck and back of the head. If the problem is caused by the hypotension, then it is accompanied by dizziness and weakness.

The pain feelings in the head area may also be caused by infectious diseases, vegeto-vascular dystonia, increased intracranial pressure, meningitis, tumors, impact of medications, pathologies in skull development and metabolic pathologies.


First of all, we need to understand, which specific factors cause the disorder. During the consultation, the neurologist, who performs examination and then makes diagnosis, detects the causes. If necessary, the analyses or examination by the specialists of other specialities are ordered. The diagnosis is made based on the obtained data. The treatment is prescribed for each patient individually, depending on his condition and causes, which induced the headache. 

The doctors of the Neurology Department of Oxford Medical Kyiv clinic are always ready to help you in treatment of headaches! 

( Rank: 4.88, voices: 41 )


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