Bell`s palsy treatment

The Bell's palsy is the inflammation of nerves, responsible for the control over movement of facial muscles. The most widespread factors, which cause the development of this disease, are:

  • hypothermia as the result of getting on the drafts;
  • infections (parotitis, measles);
  • head injury;
  • inflammatory processes of the middle ear, nasal sinuses, brain.

Consequently, the neuritis may be primary (from hypothermia) and secondary (caused by other enlisted causes).


The abnormal sensitivity, pain in the ear area, impairment of the sense of hearing and taste, hyper-salivation are characteristic for this disease.


98% of cases of the neuritis are accompanied by the evident facial asymmetry, noticeable in the condition of calmness and sharply increasing during contraction of facial muscles. The wrinkles are smoothed out on the affected facial area, the eye fissure shape changes (it becomes wider). If the patient is asked to contract the brow, the wrinkles are not formed on the affected facial area. The nasolabial fold is also smoothed out, the corner of the mouth is lowered. Grinning or laughing are accompanied by redrawing the mouth to the healthy side. If the patient closes his eyes, one eye will close incompletely.


During the diagnosis, the doctor asks the patient:

  • to close or shut eyes tight (first both, then by turns);
  • to raise and then contract eyebrows;
  • to bulge cheeks, blow or whistle;
  • to contract the nose;
  • to bare teeth.

The doctor identifies the presence of neuritis and the degree of lesion of facial muscles, taking into account how the patient copes with the tests.


The treatment includes the medication therapy, the goal of which is the removal of swelling and inflammation of the nerve. The doctor may prescribe the pain relief medications, if the pain syndrome is clearly pronounced. In case of the recurrent neuritis, the disease, which led to the nerve inflammation, is treated. After the acute manifestations are removed (usually 10-15 days), the physiotherapy, aimed at restoring the muscle functionality, is ordered. The doctor also orders the massage of the face, occipital and collar zone. 


The recovery comes within two-three weeks, but in some cases, the full restoration of facial expression may continue for a year. That is why it is important to start treatment as early as possible to prevent complications. The full recovery is observed among 75% of patients.


The Neurology Department of Oxford Medical Kyiv clinic will provide professional help in treatment of neuritis and neuralgias.

( Rank: 4.68, voices: 38 )


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