Treatment of children's digestive disorders

The digestion and uptake of the food is the complex process, which does not end during the whole way of food throughout the digestive system: from oral cavity to intestine. The disturbance of this process causes the tangible discomfort; it is called the digestive disorders or dyspepsia.


The dyspeptic disorders, or in simple words, the digestive disorders in children is one of the most widespread problems, which manifest themselves from the first days of life. The pediatricians and pediatric gastroenterologists administer treatment of these disorders.


The most widespread dyspeptic disorders are:

  • absence of appetite (refusal from food);
  • stomachache, colic;
  • distention and tympanites;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • loose stool;
  • heartburn.

If the dyspeptic disorders are detected in children, it is important to take into account that they can complain not about all symptoms. The parents can notice the constipation, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal distention, but only the child can say about the stomachache, heartburn or nausea when he is 6 or older. In small babies, the parents have to guess it by indirect signs; here the pediatrician comes to their aid.


The main causes of appearance of dyspepsia is the malnutrition and insufficient release of digestive enzymes. Meanwhile, the dyspepsia can be accompanied by the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, enterocolitis, enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome.


The hurried meal, problems with teeth, causing its insufficient mastication, and insufficient release of the gastric juice cause the appearance of fermentative dyspepsia. The diet, rich with carbohydrates and vegetable fiber, consumption of fermented products and fizzy drinks contribute to its appearance. The fermentative dyspepsia manifests itself through the abdominal distension, rumbling, the child’s stool may become more frequent, frothy, resembling the gruel.


The insufficient concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach can cause the putrefactive dyspepsia, accompanied by the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestine. It can also be caused by the poisoning with stale protein products. With the putrefactive dyspepsia, the loss of appetite is observed, the child may complain about the nausea and distention.


The functional dyspepsia, manifesting itself through the pain and discomfort after eating, too fast satiation and feeling of heaviness, is caused by the neurosis, stresses and psychological traumas.

The abuse of fatty food or problems with the bile flow to the gastrointestinal tract can cause the development of fat dyspepsia. If the child has it, it may cause the diarrhea, general weakness or sluggishness, abdominal distention.


If you have regularly recurrent symptoms of dyspeptic disorders, you need to necessarily consult the pediatrician. This specialist will examine the child, study his medical record, interview parents about eating habits of the child. If necessary, the doctor will order additional examinations: ultrasound examination, laboratory tests, or endoscopic examination (gastroscopy, colonoscopy).


The cause of digestive disorder will be detected and the treatment will be prescribed based on the examination and tests. If it is necessary, for eliminating the cause of dyspepsia, the doctor may send the child to the consultation with the subject specialist (for example, pediatric neurologist in case of functional dyspepsia).


( Rank: 4.70, voices: 37 )


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