Digital spine x-ray is a basic method of radiological diagnosis of abnormalities in the structure of the human spinal column. It helps to examine the condition of the entire vertebral column, as well as each of its section or each of the vertebrae individually.

In most cases a study of a certain spine section is prescribed:

  • cervical spine x-ray;
  • thoracic spine x-ray;
  • lumbosacral spine x-ray;
  • x-ray of the coccyx.

It makes it possible to reduce the radiation exposure received during the examination.


X-ray study of the spine or its sections can be prescribed to patients with the following symptoms:

  • back pain;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • neck pain;
  • muscle weakness;
  • dismotility;
  • numbness or pain in the limbs.

These symptoms may occur in the case of:

  • fractures;
  • spinal curvature (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis);
  • degenerative disc disease;
  • osteoporosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • tumors;
  • spinal tuberculosis;
  • dislocations of the vertebrae;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • сharcot disease etc.


If an examination of the cervical or thoracic spine is scheduled, no preliminary preparation is required. If the examination of the lumbar spine takes place, then a simple preparation is supposed for eliminating gases from the intestine, because of which the picture may turn out blurry.

If we are talking about routine lumbar spine x-ray study, then in a couple of days before the procedure it is advisable to keep to a diet which excludes food that triggers flatulence. Then it is necessary to clean the intestine and only after that the study is carried out. If the examination is urgent, then cleaning of the intestine can be performed with an enema.

The examination is usually performed in a lying position – on the back or on the side (depending on which projection is needed). X-ray examination does not provoke unpleasant sensations – the procedure is painless and takes several minutes, after which the patient receives the results of the study and the conclusion of the diagnostician.


At the «Oxford Medical» clinic in Kiev x-ray examinations are carried out on a modern digital radiographic system Siemens Multix Select DR (Germany).

Thanks to this device all examinations are carried out:

  • with minimal radiation exposure (several times less than in analog x-rays systems);
  • with maximum speed (there is no need to wait for the film to develop – the data obtained is immediately displayed on the computer monitor);
  • better quality (the image provides more diagnostic information to the doctor).

You can make an appointment for an x-ray examination by calling or contacting the chat operator on the website.

( Rank: 4.67, voices: 30 )


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