Electrocardiogram (ECG)

You can find out quickly and for sure whether you have heart diseases by using the simple and available method – electrocardiogram. 10-minute examination will show whether everything is OK with one of the most important internal organs.


The cardiologist or therapist, who auscultated heart murmursusually orders the electrocardiogram. The examination is ordered, if the patient complains about:

  • pains in the heart area;
  • increased heart rate;
  • heart ‘aflutter’;
  • high and low pressure;
  • permanent weakness;
  • faints etc.

The electrocardiogram is also ordered in case of pregnancy – during this period, the volume of circulated blood increases and the load on the heart grows. For the same reason (increase of loads on the heart muscle), the preventive electrocardiogram is recommended for: athletes; people, suffering from a permanent emotional tension; patients with obesity, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism; people, aged over 40.


The electrocardiogram is usually done for about 10 minutes. During the process, the doctor places the sensors on the patient’s body, which receive and register electrical impulses, coming from the heart.


As per their instructions, the cardiologist can determine the regularity and frequency of heart contractions, find out the disturbance of cardiac conduction, myocardial injuries, obtain information about the physical condition of the heart.


Even if you decided to undergo examination independently, you should better visit the cardiologist for interpreting the electrocardiogram and receiving precise information regarding the heart condition. Because during the consultation, the doctor takes into account not only the data of examination, but also the patient’s complaints, the results of examination, the medical record. If the heart is healthy, but there are some complaints, the cardiologist will recommend the necessary specialist, because the pains in the heart area can be caused, for example, by the spinal diseases.


As per the cardiogram, the cardiologist can detect presence of such cardiovascular diseases:

  • arrhythmia;
  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • rheumatism etc.

In some cases, the electrocardiogram can be insufficient for establishing the precise diagnosis, then the ultrasound of the heart is ordered that allows obtaining more information. The doctor assesses the size of the heart, thickness of its walls, condition of the vessels and mitral valve.


There is no need in special preparation for the examination; it will be enough not to drink alcohol, caffeine products, to avoid physical loads and stresses. It is necessary so that the obtained data are maximally precise. Before performing the examination, you need to warn the doctor about taking medications, if there are medications, which you take regularly.


The electrocardiogram in Oxford Medical Kyiv clinic is:

  • absence of queues;
  • examination at any convenient time;
  • cardiograph with improved algorithm of interpretation;
  • affordable prices.

Make sure that your heart is healthy – make appointment for the electrocardiogram by calling us or filling out the form on our website!

( Rank: 4.75, voices: 28 )


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