Gastric polypectomy

The gastric polyps are the growths from the epithelium of gastric mucosa in form of indurations on thinner pedicle. The polyps are the benign tumors and can increase up to 3 centimeters in diameter. Though the polyp is benign, it is a dangerous neoplasm for health.


In most cases, the gastric polyps are developed symptom-free, not manifesting themselves. In rare cases, the patient may have:

  • stomachache;
  • bleeding;
  • sickness;
  • vomiting;
  • permanent heartburn;
  • bad breath.

The similar symptoms may be manifested in case of gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa) and duodenitis (inflammation of duodenal mucosa); that is why it is impossible to diagnose the gastric polyp without performing the gastroscopy.

The polyps are the reaction of the organism to the inflammation of gastric mucosa. The increased risk of development of gastric polyps is among the following categories of patients:

  • older than 40;
  • suffering from bacterial infections (including Helicobacter pylori);
  • having relatives with gastric or intestinal cancer.


The polyps are usually detected during the diagnostic gastroscopy, to which the patient is sent for other reasons. Taking into account the high risk of regeneration of polyps into cancerous tumors, their removal is recommended in most cases.

Now, the polypectomy is possible during the gastroscopy. For the patient’s comfort and reducing unpleasant feelings, the polypectomy procedure is performed “while asleep” – under sedation.

During the gastroscopy, the doctor loops a thin wire, called a snare, around the base of the polyp. Then the loop is electrocuted, due to which the pedicle is coagulated.

During the gastroscopy, it is also possible to get a biopsy – sampling of a piece of polyp tissue for further analysis in the laboratory.

( Rank: 4.90, voices: 21 )


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Endoscopist: Zhorakuliev Bislan Batyrovich
Endoscopist: Zhorakuliev Bislan Batyrovich
Zhorakuliev Bislan BatyrovichEndoscopist

Ivana Kramskogo street, 9;

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