Colon polypectomy

A polyp is the small benign tumor (growth), which is formed on the walls of the colon. Though the tumor is benign, it does not mean that it is safe for the organism, because any polyp can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

The polyps can be single or multiple, and their size can vary from several millimeters to several centimeters (in such cases they can close off the rectal lumen, disturbing the digestive process).


The causes for appearance of polyps were not completely identified; however, it is reliably known that the presence of chronic colitis and hypoacidity contribute to the development of polyps. The neoplasms may appear at any age, starting from early childhood to extreme old age, when the risk of their development and malignization only increases.

The danger of polyps is that in most cases, they grow, not manifesting themselves anyhow; only in some cases, there may appear the following symptoms:

  • blood streaks in feces (usually bright scarlet color);
  • mucus in feces;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • bleeding (in case of mechanical damage of the polyp);
  • constipations;
  • appearance of fever and chill (in case of inflammation of the polyp).

The  polypectomy is the only effective method of polyp treatment.


The modern effective method of removal of polyps on the thin pedicle – by using the colonoscope – is applied in the Endoscopy Department. During the colonoscopy, the doctor loops a thin wire, called a snare, around the base of the polyp. Then the loop is electrocuted, due to which the pedicle is coagulated. Such removal is called the electrocoagulation of the polyp.

Then, the removed polyp is sent for histological examination to make sure that it is benign. The procedure can be performed intentionally as well as when detecting the polyp during the diagnostic (preventive) colonoscopy.

The polypectomy can be performed while the patient is asleep, in order to avoid any possible discomfort, related to performance of the colonoscopy. However, it is not mandatory, because there are no pain receptors in the rectum.

After the polypectomy, the patient does not need hospitalization, he can return home on the same day.

The timely colon polypectomy will significantly reduce the risk of development of colorectal cancer – one of the main causes for mortality among the patients with oncological diseases. That is why the patients, older than 40 years, are recommended undergoing the diagnostic colonoscopy once a year, for timely detection and performance of polypectomy.

( Rank: 4.56, voices: 34 )


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Endoscopist: Zhorakuliev Bislan Batyrovich
Endoscopist: Zhorakuliev Bislan Batyrovich
Zhorakuliev Bislan BatyrovichEndoscopist

Ivana Kramskogo street, 9;

Knyaziv Ostrozskykh street, 46/2;

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