
Colonoscopy in Kyiv

A colonoscopy is the effective method, allowing obtaining the comprehensive information on the condition of the large intestine very fast. The use of colonoscope (flexible guided probe with camera) allows determining the intestinal diseases effectively and reliably at the earliest stages of development, when they do not still manifest themselves through clear symptoms.


The colonoscopy is required in case of:

  • lengthy constipations;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • suspicion of nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or tumor.

On the whole, the doctors recommend undergoing the colonoscopy for each patient with intestinal problems. After 40, due to the higher risk of appearance of colorectal cancer, the colonoscopy is recommended as the annual preventive examination; fortunately, the cost of procedure makes it affordable for most patients.

Judge for yourself: 20 minutes of the examination replaces multiple tests and analyses, giving much more precise results!


The examination takes just 20-30 minutes and is performed only by the experienced endoscopist. The procedure is virtually painless; however, the anesthesia may be applied upon the patient’s request. The small preliminary preparation is recommended before the procedure.

The cost of colonoscopy with local anesthesia includes:

  • procedure itself;
  • consultation with endoscopist;
  • stay in the day patient department for necessary time.

The cost of sleep colonoscopy includes:

  • procedure itself;
  • consultation with endoscopist;
  • stay in the day patient department for necessary time.
  • consultation with anesthesiologist;
  • anesthesia;
  • medication support.

In addition, in the clinic you can consult related specialists: proctologist, gastroenterologist, ultrasonographer (sonologist) or phlebologist.  The patients also can stay in the day patient department.

The endoscopists of Oxford Medical Kyiv clinic perform examinations, using the newest Olympus Exera II Video System. It is a digital high-class endoscope, allowing performing a precise and quick diagnosis of diseases of the large intestine. For one session, this endoscopy system, allows not only performing a visual examination, but also getting a biopsy or removing polyps.

During the colonoscopy, you may diagnose and immediately remove the polyps of the large intestine – dangerous neoplasms inside the intestine, which may become the cause for oncological diseases.


The advantages of the Endoscopy Department:

  • highly trained endoscopists;
  • modern digital Olympus Exera II Video System;
  • affordable price;
  • convenient time for performance of the procedure.

You can obtain more detailed information and make appointment for the procedure by calling us

( Rank: 4.77, voices: 30 )


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Bereznyakovskaya street, 30B;

information about doctor

Endoscopist: Zhorakuliev Bislan Batyrovich
Endoscopist: Zhorakuliev Bislan Batyrovich
Zhorakuliev Bislan BatyrovichEndoscopist

Ivana Kramskogo street, 9;

Knyaziv Ostrozskykh street, 46/2;

information about doctor


Viktoriia 14-04-2024 Робила гастроскопію, все було швидко та якісно, сподобався сервіс, та лікарі були уважними, рекомендую.

department: Endoscopy

Оксана 30-12-2023 Робила в клініці гастро/колоноскопію. Дослідження пройшло прекрасно. Дуже вдячна лікарям Фоломеєву Ростиславу Володимировичу і Дубініну Дмитру Анатолійовичу, асистенту Ключко Зоряні Степанівні за високий рівень професіоналізму, уважність, чіткі і зрозумілі рекомендації. Дякую вам велике.

department: Endoscopy

Наталья 14-12-2023 Хочу залишити відгук і велику подяку лікарю Євгену Олексійовичу Антонову! Висококваліфіковано провів мені діагностичну процедуру і надав ґрунтовний висновок. Без сумнівів, раджу його всім, кому необхідне дослідження шлунку та товстої кишки!Клініка дуже сподобалась!

department: Endoscopy

Татьяна 13-12-2023 Искренне благодарю Євгения Алексеевича за профессионализм и внимательное отношение к пациентам. Делала гастроскопию, все прошло быстро и качественно. Вы - врач от Бога! Отдельная благодарность Зоряне за поддержку и внимание.

department: Endoscopy

Ірина 27-11-2023 Дякую, Вам, Євгене Олексійовичу, за проведену гастродуоденоскопію. Ваш професіоналізм, доброзичливе ставлення, впевненість одразу викликають довіру у пацієнта. Рекомендую своїм знайомим та близьким.

department: Endoscopy

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    department: Endoscopy

  • Юлий

    department: Endoscopy

  • Наталья

    department: Endoscopy

  • Ольга

    department: Endoscopy

  • Людмила Киев

    department: Endoscopy

  • Пациент эндоскопического отделения

    department: Endoscopy

  • Юлий

    department: Endoscopy

  • Наталья

    department: Endoscopy

  • Ольга

    department: Endoscopy

  • Людмила Киев

    department: Endoscopy

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