Treatment of macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is a chronic and constantly progressive disease that affects the macula – the сentral part of the eye’s retina. The macula or yellow spot is the area of maximum visual acuity, that is why due to macular degeneration central vision suffers (the ability to distinguish small objects worsens), but peripheral vision is not affected.


The development of the disease is provoked by a large number of factors, which is why it becomes one of the main causes of visual deterioration in people over 50 years (age-related macular degeneration). The development of the disease is promoted by smoking, overweight, high cholesterol in the blood, lack of vitamins, cardiovascular diseases, irradiation of the eyes with sunlight and vitamin deficiency. 

Under the influence of these factors the lumen of the vessels that feed the retina decreases, and the flow of oxygen and nutrients to it is limited.

It is noted that macular degeneration more often develops in women than in men, as well as in people with light skin and blue iris.


The two forms of the disease are distinguished: dry and wet macular degeneration. In the case of dry macular degeneration (observed in 90% of patients) a gradual atrophy of the macular zone of the retina is observed. The wet form develops in about one case out of ten due to the fact that, trying to compensate for the lack of nutrition of the macula, new vessels are formed in the retina. These capillaries are very fragile and cause bleeding and swelling of the retina tissues.

In the case of dry macular degeneration, vision loss occurs more slowly and to a lesser extent than in the case of wet, and the flow of the disease in the initial stages is often asymptomatic.

In both cases patients complain of:

  • distortion of the outlines of objects;

  • deformation of lines and symbols;

  • the appearance of a black or translucent spot in front of the eyes (scotomas);

  • the deterioration of the contrast;

  •  severe visual deterioration.


Check-up of patients with suspected macular degeneration begins with an examination of the eye fundus with the dilated pupil (with the help of special drops). Then the Amsler test is carried out with the help of a special grid. Perimetry helps to determine the location of areas of the retina, the function of which is reduced or impaired completely.

An important role in the diagnosis of macular degeneration is played by hardware diagnostics: OCT and fluorescein angiography . Optical coherence tomography of the eye (OCT) allows the doctor to determine which layers of the retina are involved in the process and to eliminate inflammation or swelling in the macula.


In the dry form of macular degeneration treatment consists in forming a balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and carotenoids (broccoli, spinach, orange vegetables and fruits, sea fish), while limiting the consumption of fatty foods. B vitamins, folic acid and supportive medications may be prescribed. It is also important to protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays and to stop smoking. Maintenance injections.

In the wet form of macular degeneration the treatment is based on intraocular injections of anti-VEGF drugs that block vascular endothelial growth factor. Intravitreal (intraocular) injections are the first line of treatment for wet macular degeneration, the effectiveness of which has been proven by clinical studies. The course of treatment usually consists of 3-5 injections, which are carried out within six months. 

Advantages of treatment of macular degeneration in the «Oxford Medical» clinic:

  • examination and treatment is carried out by an ophthalmologist-retinologist (narrow-profile specialist, concentrating on diseases of the retina and fundus);

  • during the consultation all necessary diagnostics (including OCT) is carried out, the patient is given a conclusion and pictures of the fundus;

  • manipulations are carried out in the operating room, with the participation of an anesthesiologist (if necessary).

You can make an appointment with the ophthalmologists of the "Oxford Medical" clinic by phone or by contacting the chat operator on the website

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