Ultrasound of heart (echocardiography)

The echocardiography or the ultrasound of the heart is the safe and precise examination, allowing the doctor to study the condition of the heart muscle. By using the ultrasound, the doctor can observe the heart functioning on a real time basis: assess the thickness of the walls, condition of the valves, blood flow velocity etc.


In most cases, the echocardiography is ordered by the cardiologist; however, you can undergo the examination independently, if you have:

  • pain in the heart area;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • feeling of heartbeat interruptions;
  • shortness of breath;
  • problems with blood pressure;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • numbness of arms and legs;
  • skin lividity;
  • general weakness.

By using the ultrasound of the heart, the cardiologist can quickly and precisely exclude heart defects, myocarditis, heart failure, aneurisms, ischemic heart disease, heartbeat arrhythmia etc. In addition, the ultrasound of the heart is used for assessing the results of performed heart surgeries.


The conclusion, received after the examination, contains many indicators, the independent studying of which will not give any understanding of the essence of the problem. That is why if you even made appointment for examination, it is better to consult the doctor as per results of echocardiography. During the visit, the cardiologist will listen to your complaints, study the examination data, explain its results to you, will say if there are any reasons for worrying.


The echocardiography is mixed with the electrocardiogram (ECG), which registers the electrical fields, coming from the heart, frequency and regularity of its contractions.


The ultrasound of the heart allows the doctor to study the heart condition in detail as per more parameters than ECG. During the echocardiography, the doctor assesses:

  • size of the heart;
  • volume of the atriums and ventricles;
  • heart rate;
  • thickness of the wall of the heart;
  • main vessels;
  • myocardia and pericardia;
  • mitral valve etc.

In addition, the echocardiography allows detecting the clots, cicatrices and cholesterol plaques.


The ultrasound of the heart is conducted by the experienced and qualified diagnosticians on the expert class scan, manufactured by the Philips. It allows obtaining only precise and accurate results. 

The echocardiography is a safe examination, which can be conducted even for pregnant women, newborn babies and aged people. The examination is performed by previous appointment and takes not more than half an hour.


The ultrasound does not require any special preparation, it is just enough before the examination not to be nervous, to avoid strenuous physical activities, not to drink alcohol, caffeine-based products and clarify the intake of medications with the doctor, because they can influence the results of the examination.


The health condition of the whole organism depends on the health of heart and cardiovascular system; that is why if you have any suspicion of heart problems, do not delay the visit to a doctor and examination.


You can make appointment for the ultrasound of the heat by calling us or filling in the form on our website. 

( Rank: 4.96, voices: 27 )


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