Treatment of chronic fatigue

A fatigue is the natural reaction of the organism to tension, exertion, evidencing that it needs some rest. The chronic fatigue syndrome is the feeling, occurring for no apparent reason and not passing off after a good rest; the patients feel tired since the morning. Those, who suffer from this disease, are often susceptible to other neurological diseases: neurosis, panic attacks, migraines etc.


The women are more susceptible to chronic fatigue and suffer from it 3 times more often than men suffer. The syndrome is caused by stresses, strenuous work, infections, chronic diseases, hormonal disorders, incorrect lifestyle, and junk food.

Except for the main sign, which gave name to the disease – permanent fatigue, the patient has other characteristic symptoms. The patients most often complain about:

  • pain in the muscles and joints;
  • tremor;
  • weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • memory impairment, concentration disorder;
  • irritability;
  • apathy.

The patient may complain about sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, intestinal disorder, sharp change of appetite and excessive drowsiness. The important feature, which allows recognizing the chronic fatigue syndrome, - the symptoms do not pass off even after several days of a good rest.


The chronic fatigue syndrome is widespread among the citizens of big cities. This disorder can develop due to the following causes:

  • permanent psychological tension;
  • incorrect diet;
  • bad sleep;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • viral infections.

Sometimes, the chronic fatigue appears on the background of the continuous intake of medications.


If you suffer from chronic fatigue, it is important not to self-medicate, but apply to the specialist at once, as there are many reasons for chronic fatigue and only the experienced doctor can precisely determine which of them caused the problem.

During the examinations, the latent diseases are detected among 70% of patients with chronic fatigue. These may be the diseases of endocrine, nervous, respiratory and vascular systems. Because it is better to apply to the family doctor (specialist, who will give the preliminary evaluation of the health condition and will coordinate examinations by specialized doctors: endocrinologist, neurologist, cardiologist etc.) for detecting the causes of chronic fatigue.

It will save your time and money, allowing the patient to undergo only necessary examinations under the supervision of necessary specialists. For specifying the diagnosis, the doctor can order:

  • ECG;
  • ultrasound;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • hormone level check etc.

Based on the gathered information, the doctor will make preliminary diagnosis and prescribe the most effective and safe course of treatment for the patient.

For improving the general condition of the organism, the doctor can recommend vitamin complexes, therapeutic exercises, ozone therapy etc.

( Rank: 4.63, voices: 38 )


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A physician, <br>family doctor of the first category of qualification, <br>doctor of medicine (MD): Maiatskaia Oksana Vitalievna
Maiatskaia Oksana Vitalievna A physician,
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