Anemia treatment

An anemia is the decreased level of hemoglobin in the blood (protein, responsible for oxygen supply in the organism). The decreased level of hemoglobin in the blood is a symptom, but not an independent disease.


The anemia occurs due to the deficiency of necessary elements in the blood, in most cases –iron deficiency. The anemias, caused by the deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid, are encountered more rarely.

In most cases, the anemia is caused by the unbalanced diet, as the result of which the organism suffers from the deficiency of necessary substances. The latent, chronic infections are the widespread cause of the anemia. The anemia can also occur as the result of blood loss, for example, due to the hemorrhoid, profuse menstruations, after surgical operation or blood transfusions.

The decreased level of hemoglobin is often caused by the helminthic invasions, as the nutrients are not fully absorbed in the intestine, affected by the parasites. The tumor is the most dangerous cause of anemia.


The general weakness, to which people usually do not pay attention, is the first and main sign that you have insufficient level of hemoglobin in the blood. Such condition can be caused by simple fatigue or lack of sleep, but if the weakness does not pass off for long time and is supplemented by other symptoms, it can be indicative of the anemia.

The signs of the decreased level of the hemoglobin:

  • skin dryness and paleness;
  • nail brittleness;
  • dullness, fragility and loss of hair;
  • drowsiness;
  • hypotension;
  • shortness of breath after physical exercises;
  • rapid heart palpitations;
  • small fissures in the corners of the mouth.


In case of suspicion of the decreased level of hemoglobin, the patient takes blood test, which allows checking its concentration. The normal levels of hemoglobin is not less than 130 g/l for men and 120 g/l for women. For the pregnant women, the normal level is considered to be 110 g/l. For the people with congenital high level of hemoglobin, its sharp decrease is also the worrisome sign.

Though, at first sight, the anemia does not seem to be a serious problem, it can be indicative of the presence of serious diseases. The treatment of anemia consists in detecting and eliminating its prime cause.

If it is caused by the insufficient supply of nutrients, the doctor will prescribe the preparations, which will replete and compose the correct diet. If the anemia is caused by the chronic disease, it is eliminated. If it is caused by the tumor (for example, polyps in the stomach, intestine or uterus), then it is surgically removed.

The self-medication of anemia is not recommended, because you cannot establish the cause of the disease on your own, without examination. And if you do not know the cause, you cannot self-medicate it. 

You can make appointment with the family doctor by calling us or filling in the form on our website. 

( Rank: 4.64, voices: 42 )


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