Lymphadenopathy treatment

The enlargement of lymph nodes is the symptom, familiar to everyone, who was ill with ARVI or cold. A lymphadenopathy (this is how the doctors call the swollen lymph nodes) can be caused by the viruses, bacteria, parasites and systemic diseases. The family doctor of Oxford Medical Kyiv will help to find and eliminate the cause of swollen lymph nodes. 


In human body, there are about 600 lymph nodes, but in the normal condition, all of them, except for submandibular, axillary and inguinal, cannot be palpitated. That is why the enlargement of any lymph node (or several) is indicative of health problems.

There are several types of lymphadenopathy, which can be encountered with different frequency. 75% of patients’ encounters account for the share of the local lymphadenopathy, when only one lymph node becomes swollen. Besides it, the syndrome form can also be regional (several lymph nodes become inflamed) and generalized (inflammation of lymph nodes in three or more regions). 

The symptoms can appear immediately and progress sharply (acute form) or can be less pronounced, but be observed for long time (chronic form).

Except for enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes, the lymphadenopathy has other symptoms, such as:

  • temperature rise (often slight, up to 37.2-37.3 degrees);
  • excessive sweating;
  • fever;
  • rash;
  • sharp loss of weight.

What symptoms will be manifested mainly depends on the reason, which caused the syndrome of the enlargement of lymph nodes.


The syndrome can be caused by many diseases, among which:

  • bacterial infections (cat scratch disease, tuberculosis, brucellosis);
  • viral diseases (hepatitis, cytomegalovirus, infectious mononucleosis etc.);
  • fungal invasions (actinomycosis, histoplasmosis etc.);
  • parasites (toxoplasma, lamblias, toxocara etc.);
  • neoplastic processes (both benign and malignant);
  • systemic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis);
  • effect from the taken medications.

The doctor determines the possible cause of the syndrome by examining the patient, listening to his complaints and studying his medical record. The final diagnosis is established based on the laboratory examinations.


The lymphadenopathy is not the disease; it is the syndrome, complex of characteristic symptoms, which are manifested under the impact of different diseases. In order to treat the lymphadenopathy, you need to find the prime cause of the problem – disease, which caused the enlargement of lymph nodes.

For that, the doctor performs examination, orders medical tests, which usually include: complete blood count, X-ray examination of thoracic organs, ultrasound of abdominal cavity organs. After establishing the precise diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment, which, depending on the prime cause of lymphadenopathy, can include:

  • antiviral preparations;
  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs etc.

The self-treatment of lymphadenopathy without involvement of a doctor and understanding the causes of the syndrome, is fraught with aggravation of symptoms and appearance of complications due to the incorrect application of medications.

You can get rid of the lymphadenopathy in the Family Medicine Department of Oxford Medical Kyiv clinic by making appointment.

( Rank: 5.00, voices: 23 )


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