Computed tomography of the lungs is a fast, painless and safe way to assess the condition of the lungs and diagnose lung cancer – one of the most dangerous oncological diseases. Approximately 80% of patients with lung cancer can be successfully treated if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, but unfortunately the vast majority of patients are examined at a late stage of the disease.

A 64-slice tomographic system Somatom Go. Up Siemens (Germany) used for conducting a computed tomography at the «Oxford Medical» clinic in Kiev makes it possible to detect even minimal deviations in the anatomy of the patient's lungs.


Computed tomography of the lungs is prescribed for the diagnosis of:

  • pneumonia;
  • suspected tuberculosis;
  • suspected lung cancer;
  • when a patient has a long smoking history (including passive smoking);
  • if a patient constantly deals with carcinogens (for example, working with asbestos).

Patients from the last two categories, which belong to the group of increased risk of developing lung cancer, should be examined on a regular basis - every 1-2 years. Such monitoring allows you to detect the disease at the earliest stages, when the probability of a successful cure is very high.


Computed tomography of the lungs, performed without contrast, does not require any special preliminary preparation. All that is necessary is to take off all metal objects: watches, hairpins, earrings, glasses, chains, hearing aid, etc.

If a CT scan with a contrast agent is prescribed, it is important to notify the doctor if a patient is allergic to iodine and shellfish (such patients may develop an allergic reaction in response to the medicine), about kidney or heart problems (renal or heart failure may be a contraindication to the introduction of a contrast agent) or diabetes mellitus.

Such patients need a blood test (to assess kidney function), blood pressure measurement and an electrocardiogram or blood sugar measurement before performing a CT scan.

It is forbidden to drink or eat 4-6 hours before the examination with a contrast agent.


A patient lies down on the slide-out table of the tomographic scanner, usually face up with his hands raised.  After that the table is pushed into the tunnel of the scanner and the study begins. During the CT scan procedure the doctor stays in an adjacent room, observing the patient through a special window and, if necessary, communicating a person examined by means of an intercom device built in the tomographic scanner.

If the study is performed with a contrast agent, a catheter is inserted into the patient's vein. Contrast agent is administered by an automatic injector, which eliminates the introduction of insufficient or excessive amount of contrast agent into the patient's body.

During a CT scan of the lungs the patient does not experience any unpleasant or pain feelings, all that is required is to be motionless. Any movement can cause the images to blur. During the study the doctor may ask the patient to hold his/her breathe for a few seconds.

After the study the patient receives a specialist's report and a film with the results of CT. There is no rehabilitation period after CT scan of the lungs – you can immediately return to your daily activities.

You can make an appointment for a CT scan by calling us or writing to the chat operator on our website

( Rank: 4.76, voices: 34 )


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Роман 24-10-2022 Дякую за якісне КТ легенів , результати надійшли вже на наступний день. Дуже ввічливий персонал.
Игорь Кириленко 21-02-2021 Был на консультации у Михаила Анатольевича для дополнительного обследования и уточнения лечения в связи с переломом ключицы (лыжная травма).Доктор направил на КТ, после чего предоставил всю необходимую информацию по коррекции лечения (на данный момент рекомендована операция).Ответил на все вопросы, осветил плюсы и минусы, риски. Также, закрыл все вопросы со страховой компанией. Очень корректный, доброжелательный врач. Спасибо!
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