Computed tomography of the spinal column is a fast and authoritative way to diagnose spine diseases. In addition to examining the entire spine, a CT scan of each of its sections is possible:

  • CT of the cervical spine;
  • Thoracic CT scan;
  • CT scan of the lumbosacral spine;
  • CT scan of the sacrum and coccyx.


Computed tomography of the spine provides valuable diagnostic information about many diseases, including:

  • protrusion, extrusion and herniation of intervertebral discs;
  • suspected tumors;
  • assessment of the consequences of spinal injuries;
  • diagnosis of birth defects (spinal bifida);
  • suspected vascular abnormalities;
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of spinal diseases.


The examination can be performed either without the contrast agent necessary for obtaining images with increased sharpness, or with it. If a CT scan of the spine is performed without contrast, then there is no need for special preparation – the patient just needs to take off all metal accessories, devices and jewelry.

If CT is performed with the contrast agent, then a patient needs to stop eating and drinking fluids 4-6 hours before the study. It is also necessary to notify the doctor if you have an allergy to iodine and seafood, thyrotoxicosis, type 2 diabetes, kidney and cardiovascular diseases. In some cases they may be a contraindication for the examination, while in others, preparatory examinations are conducted. Diabetic patients are measured for blood sugar, patients with kidney diseases are tested for creatinine levels, and "heart patients" can have an ECG and blood pressure measured.


The patient lies face up on the slide-out table of the tomographic scanner, which is then pushed into the scanner tunnel. If CT is performed with the contrast agent, then before the procedure a catheter is installed in the patient's vein, through which an automatic injector supplies the necessary amount of the contrast agent. The injector eliminates the administration of insufficient or excessive amounts of contrast.

When the tomographic scanner table starts moving, the examination begins – the scanner takes a large number of images in different projections - the computer builds a detailed three-dimensional model of the spine on their basis. Studying it the doctor checks the presence and nature of deviations from the norm.

During the procedure the doctor stays in the adjacent room, watching the patients through a special window and communicating with them with the help of a special intercom device. The patient does not experience any pain during the procedure. When a contrast agent is introduced, a salty or metallic taste may appear in the mouth or a slight feeling of being unwell, but these symptoms quickly pass.

After the procedure the patient is given received images with the results of the study and the conclusion of the diagnostician.

You can make an appointment for a CT scan of the spine at the «Oxford Medical» clinic in Kiev by calling or writing to the chat operator on the website.

( Rank: 4.77, voices: 31 )


Коломієць Катя 23-02-2024 Дуже задоволена цією клінікою,робила КТ черевної порожнини і гастроскопію дуже вдячна спеціалістам гарне обслуговування . Дякую ще дівчаткам на інформаційній.
Роман 24-10-2022 Дякую за якісне КТ легенів , результати надійшли вже на наступний день. Дуже ввічливий персонал.
Игорь Кириленко 21-02-2021 Был на консультации у Михаила Анатольевича для дополнительного обследования и уточнения лечения в связи с переломом ключицы (лыжная травма).Доктор направил на КТ, после чего предоставил всю необходимую информацию по коррекции лечения (на данный момент рекомендована операция).Ответил на все вопросы, осветил плюсы и минусы, риски. Также, закрыл все вопросы со страховой компанией. Очень корректный, доброжелательный врач. Спасибо!
светлана 27-07-2020 В клинике Оксфорд Медикал делала КТ. Хочу поблагодарить врача -рентгенолога Анну Александровну Баранишину за ее прекрасную работу. Очень внимательная, добросовестная, грамотный врач-рентгенолог. Очень рекомендую. Умничка! У меня были сложности с исследованием по проведению КТ и если бы не Анна Александровна, я просто ушла бы , потеряла бы время, а самое главное пропала бы подготовка ДЛЯ МЕНЯ ОЧЕНЬ СЛОЖНАЯ ! к КТ. Анна Александровна, спасибо большое!. Отослала к Вам 3-х подруг.
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