
The pleasant smile not only makes the interlocutor well disposed, but also can influence the person’s success in personal and business life. That is why the timely correction of the position of teeth and dental occlusion is highly recommended to a modern man.


The orthodontics is the dentistry field, which deals with occlusion correction as well as prevention of dentofacial anomalies. The correction of occlusion is the change of the form of upper and lower dental rows, as the result of which the joining of the teeth and the correlation of upper, middle and lower third of the face will be kept to physiological maximum.

The obtained results has not only cosmetological and aesthetic effect, but it also prevents the risk of maxillary sinusitis, sinusitis, alveolar pyorrhea, tooth decay, gingivitis and such gastrointestinal disease as gastritis. The opinion that to correct the occlusion is possible only in childhood or adolescence is wrong. You can also do it in your adulthood; the only difference is that it will take more time for sustaining the result.


You should first meet the orthodontist in early childhood, at the age of three-four years, when you cut all milk teeth. Then you should see a doctor again when you are six, when the second set of teeth starts breaking through your gums, as well as when you turn 18, when it finishes.

The adults should not exclude the option of visiting an orthodontist either. At any stage of your life, you can get rid of discomfort, associated with the form and position of teeth, and gain confidence in your smile. Despite someone else’s opinion, you should have a right attitude to your health. As an alternative option, you may use the lingual braces systems, which are virtually invisible and do not impact your pronunciation.


The maximum result in Oxford Medical’s orthodontics department is achieved when using the braces system and different types of dental plates, which are necessary for intermediate procedures. The most advanced braces systems have the following advantages:

  • they do not injure gingival membrane;
  • they do not damage dental enamel;
  • they have small size and aesthetic structure;
  • they do not impede the correct pronunciation.

The correction of occlusion takes from one to several years. The duration depends on the situation, the clinic picture and the desired result. For the orthodontic work in the clinic:

  • dental casts are taken;
  • diagnostic models are made;
  • treatment options are discussed with the patient;
  • optimal treatment is chosen.

The best and qualified top category doctors as well as the cutting-edge equipment are waiting for you in Oxford Medical 

( Rank: 4.95, voices: 42 )


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Олена 17-02-2024 Велика подяка спеціалістам клініки(відділення Оболонь)!❤️Хірургу Маляренко Марині Євгенійовні: красива,молода,чуйна,ПРОФЕСІОНАЛ своєї справи.Я дуже задоволена:і підхід,і виконана робота,і результат❤️Асистент Тарас-Молодець:виконує свою роботу на"5"!! Менеджер Леся- робить перебування в клініці ще комфортнішим:Дякую!Адміністратор сьогодні була Марина: Дякую!!Рекомендую❤️Подяка кліниці за чудову КОМАНДУ!! Успіхів вам всім!!

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