Treatment of erectile dysfunction

If lately you have started noticing that you have difficulty in getting and keeping erection, that it weakens and becomes not so hard, and to get it requires more time and effort, then it is the first signs of impotency. The impotency is a very delicate and serious male disorder. 40% of the men, aged 40-45, encounter with sexual disorder, and at the age of 60 this number increases to 70%.


An impotency is the inability of a man to get a sufficient erection of the penis and keep it for satisfying the sexual needs. With the erectile dysfunction, the capacity for orgasm and ejaculation is kept.


Its unpleasant, but very widespread condition is caused by:

  • cardio-vascular diseases;
  • stresses, oppressed emotional state, depression;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased level of cholesterol in blood;
  • physical exertion;
  • bad habits;
  • penile injuries.


The precise final diagnosis ‘impotency’ is established by the specialist after obtaining the results of analyses and performing the apparatus examinations (for example, the ultrasound of the prostate). The impotency not only influences the psychological condition of the man, worsening the quality of life, but also leads to development of different pathologies. The diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction are needed as this disorder is the marker for other serious diseases.


The price of treatment will be formed after identification of the causes of impotency.


We specified just several reasons, for which you should visit Oxford Medical for removing such a delicate problem:

  1. We make precise and safe diagnosis thanks to a newest equipment and high qualification of doctors.
  2. The modern equipment and experience of clinic’s specialists help preventing from making the incorrect diagnosis.
  3. We assess the condition of the hormonal, neurological and vascular systems of your organism.
  4. We have a comprehensive approach to the urological problems.

After the treatment, administered by us, the potency increases in 98% cases.

( Rank: 4.91, voices: 23 )


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