Shock wave therapy

The usage of shockwave therapy in the urological field began relatively recently - about 15 years ago. Before that the method was successfully used in the elimination of neurological, orthopedic and traumatic problems.


Urologists successfully use the method in the treatment of:

  • erectile dysfunction;

  • prostatitis;

  • Peyronie’s disease;

  • benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Shockwave therapy can act as an independent method of treatment (monotherapy), and enter into treatment complexes with other physiotherapeutic methods and drug treatment. The use of the method is also possible for the prevention of urological diseases.

The treatment has a number of contraindications, among which the main ones are: the presence of a cardiac pacemaker (shock-wave machine can cause dysfunction in its work), taking drugs that prevent blood clotting, benign or malignant tumors, suppurative prostatitis, infectious processes in the acute phase. Therefore, the final decision on the appropriateness of using the shockwave therapy is taken by the attending urologist.


The essence of the treatment is the short-term impact of infrasonic waves with high amplitude generated by the device on the affected area. Under their influence the circulation of blood and lymph in organs and tissues improves, which, on the one hand, contributes to their oxygen saturation, and on the other – accelerates the excretion of metabolic products.

Infrasound generated by the device relieves muscle spasms. Due to micro-fractures occurring under the influence of the kinetic energy of infrasonic waves, angiogenesis is activated – the process of creating new capillaries. But the main advantage of shockwave therapy is a significant analgesic effect after the first session.

After the treatment in patients with erectile dysfunction - erection improves, and in patients with prostatitis urination improves and the pain passes. In patients with Peyronie's disease, penile curvature caused by fibrous plaques, the health condition is getting better.


Initially a gel is applied to the skin in the area of impact, which contributes to the better conduct of acoustic waves. After that a radiator is attached to the patient's body, generating infrasonic waves with high amplitude.

The kinetic energy of waves affects organs and tissues, providing a therapeutic effect. 

Shockwave therapy is non-invasive – nothing is injected subcutaneously or into the urethra. Also the procedure does not suppose the usage of drugs – the therapeutic effect is provided by the influence of infrasound.

To get more information about shockwave therapy or to make an appointment with the urologists of the Oxford Medical clinic, you can by calling us or contacting the chat operator on our website.

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